Lazy Studio
2011年4月29日 星期五
TapExpense 2 擠進台灣 AppStore 前 10 名,感謝大家的支持
請大家把缺點跟可以改善或加強的功能告訴我們( tapexpense {at} gmail {dor} com )
我們會更努力改善及加強 TapExpense 2 ,謝謝大家。
2011年4月7日 星期四
TapExpense Acquired by Lazy Studio
We are pleased to announce that TapExpense is acquired by Lazy Studio. A new version is just released and becomes available on the App Store. The new version will use the name “TapExpense 2” to distinguish from the older versions. The Lite version will also change the name to “TapExpense Lite 2”.
Please notice that, because the App Store did not provide us with an easy way for such transition, we have jointly decided to remove the old version from the App Store, and submitted the new version to the App Store. This means you’ll not be receiving any new update. In the future, if you want to use the new version, you can buy TapExpense 2 and transfer the existing data to the new version.
Our understanding from our past inquiries with Apple Developer Connection is that the App Store does not guarantee data preservation for version updates from ownership change (i.e. data might be lost as a result of the app’s developer being changed). As TapExpense is a personal finance app, that would be an undesirable scenario. That’s why we have decided to go for the current migration path, which we believe is the best way — no data loss in the process.
To transfer the existing data to TapExpense 2, we have provided two ways:
- Use the built-in Backup/Restore
- Use iTunes file sharing
We have detailed both methods in a step-by-step guide.
If you have bought TapExpense before March 31, 2011, Lithoglyph will continue supporting until September 30, 2011. The Excel export feature for the old versions will also continue to function until December 31, 2011. After that, you can purchase the new version to continue using the Excel export gateway.
The owner and chief developer of Lazy Studio, Mikimoto Chuang, has been actively involved in the redesign of TapExpense 2.0 and has developed the Excel export gateway. With the acquisition, TapExpense is in the good hands.
For inquiries on the current new version, you can write to tapexpense {at} gmail {dot} com. Thank you for your interest in TapExpense!
歡迎 TapExpense 來到新家
TapExpense是 iPhone 上的個人記帳軟體,原先是由石磐軟體開發。即日起,TapExpense 以及試用版 TapExpense Lite 由我們接手開發銷售與維護。
在 TapExpense 2.0 的改版工作,本工作室的開發者 Mikimoto 就曾擔任 TapExpense 2.0 改版顧問,協助資料庫規劃以及負責 Excel 檔案匯出功能的製作,加以本工作室長期關心行動裝置的理財議題。我們一定繼續維持 TapExpense 一貫簡單好用的記帳功能與重視資料保存的理念這些風格,並繼續加強不足的地方,相信不會讓愛護 TapExpense 的使用者失望。
新版本的 TapExpense,名稱增加一個 “2”,全名改為 “TapExpense 2”,提供試用的 Lite 版本也同樣更名為 “TapExpense Lite 2”。
要請原有使用者注意的是,由於 App Store 架構限制,我們無法直接接手石磐軟體原有已經上架的 TapExpense ,我們必須忍痛將舊版下架,改由 Lazy Studio 這邊發行新版本的程式。App Store 無法為您從一個開發者的舊版,免費升級到另一個開發者的新版。
根據石磐軟體和 Apple Developer Connection 書信往返。一般說來軟體轉讓開發,Apple 雖然是有一些自動升級的管道,但他們無法保證舊版的資料不會被洗掉。我們認知到 TapExpense 屬於財務類軟體,使用者的資料必須要有延續性,因此我們與石磐軟體討論後,決定採用目前的方式轉讓,不採用自動升級的途徑,這樣使用者不會有任何資料損失。
未來,當 TapExpense 2 有新功能,而您想從舊有版本轉移資料過去的話,您可以採取以下任一種方法:
- 使用 TapExpense 內建的資料備份/還原功能
- 使用 iTunes 的資料匯出匯入功能
我們很高興 TapExpense 來到新家,也很感謝石磐軟體的許多努力與協助。希望 TapExpense 的舊雨新知請繼續給予 TapExpense 2 愛護與肯定,Lazy Studio 接下這個棒子會更努力。謝謝!